The potato is produced on the island since the 18th century and it still goes on. The typicity of this spring potato comes from a combination of the Ile de Ré savoir-faire and the selection of the best terroirs.
Its inimitable taste is guaranteed by an official tasting board, supervised by the National Institute of Designation of Origin and Quality (Institut National des Appellations d’Origine et de la Qualité) and certified by Qualisud.
Since 1998, the Ile de Ré Potato benefits from a Protected Designation of Origin. The producers managed to obtain the precious certification label through a hard work of dedication and through the respect of a strict bill of specifications which defines reputed production methods and guarantees an optimal ripeness, in order to constantly improve quality. This bill of specifications especially defines the cultivation methods.
(1) The potato is mainly composed of water. The dry matter is all that is contained in the potato but not water.